Elder Law & Long-Term Care Planning


Medicaid Planning

Elder Law is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of matters, including estate planning with the senior perspective in mind, proactively planning to protect assets in the event a long-term care situation arises, to handling crises scenarios in which an elder is transitioning to assisted living or nursing home case without any pre-planning.
Health Plan Paper With Pen and Stethoscope — Carterville, IL — The Law Office of Edward Eytalis
Without advanced planning or even last-minute planning, the exorbitant cost of long-term care can mean financial ruin to seniors, couples, and their families. Unless you can afford to privately pay for your long-term care by having a long-term care insurance policy to help with the monthly cost of care, your option is to apply for Medicaid benefits to provide medical assistance. This firm understands the federal standards and guidelines for Medicaid, including the 5-year lookback period, transfer penalties, income guidelines, allowable ways to spend down, and how to protect as many assets as possible under the circumstances.

Edward helps many families where adult children or caretakers are forced into decision making roles for their parents for the first time. Often, using Powers of Attorney, Guardianship and/or Conservatorship, children and caretakers are faced with organizing finances, making decisions about care, and figuring out the best placement for their loved one all at once.

The Eytalis Firm knows how to help families navigate this stressful journey and protect assets. It’s never too late to seek advice about protecting a loved one’s health, dignity, and assets, even if a loved one is already in a nursing home. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation. Edward is willing to travel to a potential client’s home, hospital, or care facility if an office appointment is not feasible.

Elder Law/Long-Term Care Planning

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